How many cups of coffee can you drink a day?

As in all things, there is a right dose between good and bad, and this also applies to coffee. The recommended dose to reap the full benefits is 400 milligrams per day. Find out how many cups correspond to this amount.

One thing is certain: coffee has a definite impact on our organism. But is coffee good or bad for you? And how many cups of coffee can you drink per day? Excessive caffeine intake can cause problems with high blood pressure, but recent studies have shown that four cups of coffee a day is an ideal number to benefit your health and ability to concentrate.

Drinking coffee prolongs life

A study carried out by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) showed that individuals who consume at least four cups of coffee a day have a 64% lower risk of mortality than those who do not drink coffee at all, while those who drink two coffees daily have a 22% lower risk.

How many cups of coffee per day?

It has been defined that the ideal amount of coffee should not exceed 400 milligrams (equivalent to four cups). In addition to observing this limit, it is clear that other rules such as a healthy diet and a daily exercise habit must also be observed.

Short- and long-term effects of coffee

Drinking coffee undoubtedly has a positive effect on the ability to concentrate, as well as a tonic and stimulating effect on heart and nerve function. It is an excellent digestive aid, not surprisingly also taken at the end of a meal because it stimulates gastric and biliary secretion. It has also been found to be beneficial for weight loss because it increases the amount of calories burned (thermogenesis).

Overdoing caffeine intake can expose the body to certain risks. Acting on the digestive system, too much caffeine is certainly not suitable for those suffering from ulcers, gastritis, or gastro-esophageal reflux. Too much coffee causes insomnia, and in the “lesser of evils,” it is dangerous for those suffering from high blood pressure and can cause tachycardia and tremors.

Studies by the International Life Sciences Institute have determined that caffeine levels in our bodies affect cardiovascular, muscular, bone, reproductive, and psychological health.

It is not trivial, but just smelling good coffee has a relaxing effect and also affects our mood. The antioxidant properties of this drink also make it ideal against depression.

Coffee as a natural Viagra

Among the positive effects of caffeine is that it acts as a natural Viagra. The Italian Society of Andrology has shown how, by means of a special chemical process, it acts on the erectile tissue to such an extent that the risk of dysfunction is reduced by up to a third.

A life insurance policy

In conclusion, it is fair to say that the regular and reasonable consumption of coffee contributes to a longer life expectancy than those who do not drink it. It is one of the healthiest foods in our western diets and contains more antioxidants than fruits and vegetables combined. Four cups are therefore a correct and healthy way, and drinking a fifth certainly does not cause irreparable damage, but it should not become a habit.

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