Sono le nuove star dei social: giovani, atletiche, belle e sempre impegnate in qualche allenamento (oltre che a farsi selfie). Sono le fitness model, vere e proprie influencer in fatto di outfit sportivo, routine d’allenamento, alimentazione sana e sostanzialmente stile di vita. Seguirle è ormai diventato irrinunciabile, oltre che sicura fonte di ispirazione, e allora eccole, le fitness model da seguire su Instagram, il social network delle immagini più cool del momento.
Le 22 fitness model da seguire su Instagram
Nude Yogagirl
Anna Victoria
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About my journey… I haven't shared an update in a while and while this picture alone can't tell you about my last three years, I hope my message can. You know that picture that shows "what you think weight loss is like" and it goes up in straight line, and then "what weight loss is actually like" and the line curves all over the place and up and down and up again – that's my journey in a nutshell. I had a lot of progress in the 1st year and I was so content, almost too content to where my 2nd year I just kind of went through the motions not really pushing myself, which brought me to my 3rd year (this last year) where I have been busting my ass since I realized how much time I wasted the prior year by not actually challenging myself. As much as your journey gets easier because you realize how much better you feel while exercising and eating healthy, I think emotionally it can be harder. I change my mind on a weekly basis what my priority is – abs or a booty, a booty or abs, no joke 😂 and I am always straddling the line between clean eating and treat yoself 😛 I definitely take full advantage of the 20% I indulge, and I think that's what's really helped me stay on track for so long. 🍭 In the beginning of my journey I didn't care so much how I looked and the physical improvements were just a benefit, but I would be lying if I said I didn't care now. It's hard having people compare me flat out on my page in comments saying so-and-so is better or I don't like this about her etc. Of course I ignore it and to each their own, but in the moments I'm feeling down or unmotivated, that's when things get to me. And then I think ok so just run more, work out harder, eat better, but to be honest I don't think that's the answer and not over-exercising and loving your body and reducing emotional stress is something I preach to you girls on a regular basis and truly believe in. I know that higher stress = weight gain or holding onto weight, so if there's one thing I need to focus on its de-stressing. My advice: instead of worrying about being the most fit person out there, focus on how far you have come instead of how far you have to go 💗
A post shared by Anna Victoria (@annavictoria) on Mar 16, 2016 at 9:11am PDT
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